Gernal Info of 0x000036B0
0x000036B0 is a mistake which might show up someday while you use pc just like normal, its bad influence(besides annoying) may not shown instantly, however it will incur some further troubles to your windows system which may get out of your control. To stay out from further nagetive effect, it is necessary to repair it with no delay manually or by using an automatic repair tool which we suggest SmartPCFixer.
Recommended: 0x000036B0 Fixer -- Download to Remove Error Easily

When will "0x000036B0" error happen?
0x000036B0 error can happen during windows update, start-up, shut-down, open an application, etc. Which one matchs your current situtation? Anyway, it is really troublesome to have the error continually for all users and many people are facing the problem at this moment, furthermore, it may do harm to your windows system, you'd better repair it right now.
How to Fix 0x000036B0
A good usage habit will help a lot to keep your computer healthy. When your computer went wrong, you can get lots of techniques to clear away it on the internet, but some of those need you know some professional knowledge or diffcult to understand, and there will be some common easy methods but sometimes they just can't fix your errors.
For common users, Personally, I encourage to use 0x000036B0 Error Fixer to solve this error, it is definitely an effective tool which can fix all common errors in five mintues with simple clicks.

2. Set up the Smart PC Fixer application and make a complete scan for your PC.

3. Click [ Fix All ] to remove the "0x000036B0". Download SmartPCFixer here.

Other Methods
Update Driver
1. Open Device Manager.
2.Follow the instructions in the preceding procedure to update drivers.

3.Click Search automatically for updated driver software.

4. If below message popped up, your driver is already the latest driver and there is no need to update.

5. If a new driver is found, please follow the instruction to install it and restart your computer.
Tips: We highly recommend use SmartPCFixer to clear 0x000036B0 issue and protect your computer system regularly.
Tags: 0x000036b3,0x000036b7,0x000036b1
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